Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Corinne got a sudden burst of energy and had a ball exploring a new toy borrowed from child life here at the hospital. She smiled and babbled and enjoyed kicking at the toys. I was so excited to see her in good spirits.

The nurse and I hoped that all of this energy would translate into a hungry girl and a good feeding, but no such luck. Corinne just doesn't want the bottle in her mouth. She's also not into the pacifier at all right now either. So we settled for another tube feeding. She's all snuggled up in the crib again now and sleeping soundly.

We're waiting for a room to open up on the step down unit. Until then we'll hang out here in CICU. Our new room should come furnished with a pull-out bed so mommy will be able to rest more easily. CICU is great, only there's nowhere to sleep other than a rather noisy chair. Plus, you are not allowed to have any food or drinks in CICU, and I find it hard to leave her room. I have managed to sneak out a time or two when she is sleeping soundly, but I can't stand to leave for long. Our nurses have all been wonderful, though, and take great care of us 24/7. the way, those are socks on her hands in the photo. She kept scratching her face with the IV & oxygen monitor taped to her hands. She also likes to chew on them, so it has worked out nicely.


  1. It is so good to see her happy and playing. Sounds like she is doing good. I know you will be glad when you can come home.
    Tammy Doan

  2. Whoo Hoo...look at her play!! That is GREAT!!!

  3. Randy and I have been praying so much about little Corinne and her family! It's wonderful that she is doing so well! We are so happy to read of her progress on this site. The pictures are great! God wrap you ALL in His loving arms! Love, Randy and Carol Givens

  4. It is great to see that cute grin and kicking feet! Go Corinne!

    Ali and Richard Bogerg
