Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Early Wednesday Report

This evening was uneventful, although don't tell Allison. Corinne had one spot of trouble around 1:00AM which after providing her some pain medication she calmed down considerably.

This evening Corinne's Dr. and nurse agree sleep, nutrition, and pain management are the biggest keys to her improvement, so we have helped her rest as much as possible tonight. To minimize her awake time we are feeding her through the tube instead of forcing the bottle on her.

There is another set of labs scheduled at 4:00AM and a feeding scheduled for 5:00AM. The labs will hopefully not wake her and she can continue sleeping through the night.

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad that Corinne is on the mend and that things are getting better each day. We continue to keep her and the whole family in our daily prayers. God bless you all~ Chris, Louisa & Valerie Meece.
